Pure research
Although the objective is always to develop solutions for the most pressing water problems that the world is facing, all applied research must be built on a solid, pure research foundation.
  1. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Modeling.
  2. Transient and steady state analysis of non-compressible flow in multi-node, closed loop systems.
  3. Rheology in anerobic digesters: behavior of non-Newtonian fluids, composed of liquids and solids mixed with the biogas that they produce.
Areas of applied research
  1. Design and implementation of an intelligent fertigation hydrant powered by the hydraulic pressure of the system.
  2. Maximizing crop yields while optimizing water usage in intensive agriculture through on-demand, smart fertigation
  3. Optimizing the effective vs. total precipitation ratio and minimizing the evaporation in agriculture through smart irrigation rescheduling based on short term weather predictions.
More information and patents
  1. Oxidation of methane and hydrogen sulfide in combined bioreactors.
  2. Optimization of non-chemical, energy-efficient suspended solids separation.
  3. Stress analysis in structures with fluctuating loads to prevent fatigue failure.
  4. Two-phase anaerobic digestion. Maximizing the conversion of organic load to usable biogas in controlled pH environments.
  5. Shear stress behavior of fixed film media in turbulent flow. Maximizing contact factor and mass transfer while preserving attached biomass.
More information and patents
  1. Applied Research 3: Holistic Sustainability Projects For Developments, Municipalities, Aquifers, And Basins.
More information
Existing Collaborations / Patent License Agreements
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