
To contribute to the best of my abilities to develop and implement the most efficient and energy sustainable solutions for:

  1. Efficient use of water in irrigation
  2. Water/Wastewater treatment and reclamation
  3. Reuse and water exchange projects between agriculture and urban uses
  4. Biogenic energy generation from organic waste in all forms

Through partnerships and alliances worldwide, we have massively deployed already developed technologies in:

  • Cost-effective irrigation projects with global efficiencies above 90%
  • Carbon-positive WWTPs for industrial and municipal effluents
  • Fully anaerobic, nutrient preserving WWTP to produce water suitable for unrestricted irrigation

All wastewater responsibly treated.

All water and energy efficiently used.

All reclaimed water strategically reused.

Personal Philosophy

Work with and for nature: Use gravity, the sun’s power, and the naturally occurring biological process before resorting to energy or chemical-intensive solutions.

Holistic view, Greater/Common Good: Avoid tunnel vision. Whenever multiple stakeholders are involved in different aspects of a problem, strive for the solution that offers the greater good.

Sustainability, environmental, and financial: Solutions should not deplete nature or break the bank. All-around sustainability should be the ultimate goal.

Solidarity, Subsidiarity: Help the less fortunate in becoming self-sufficient to overcome difficult situations and grow to their fullest potential.

Agent of change, Transcendence: Abstain from complacency, never stop learning, innovate, and be a champion for change. Leave a better world than the one you received.

“The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.”
Steve Jobs
  • Masters in Business Administration, Unfinished – Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM Campus Guadalajara, Jal.
  • Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Honorable Mention – Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM Campus Monterrey, NL.
  • Mechanical Engineer, Specialized in Non-compressible Fluid Mechanics University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware.
  • 25 Patents in efficient water use for irrigation and wastewater treatment and reclamation.
Existing Collaborations / Patent License Agreements
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